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Knowing the Truth, Being Absolute for the Truth, and Proclaiming the Truth in the Present Evil Age

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Message Message Title Audio Language
1 Knowing the Truth, Being Absolute for the Truth and for Upholding the Absoluteness of the Truth, and Testifying to the Truth in the Present Age of the World
2 Being Sanctified by the Truth to Move out of Ourselves and into the Triune God for the Genuine Oneness
3 Being Constituted with the Truth and Being Absolute for the Way of the Truth and the Propagation of the Truth for the Consummation of the Divine Economy
4 The Recovery of the Subjective Truths in the Gospel of John
5 Upholding the Truth and Testifying to the Truth That the Church Is the Pillar and Base of the Truth and the Corporate Manifestation of God in the Flesh
6 Knowing and Spreading the Up-to-date Truth of the Highest Gospel of God’s Eternal Economy according to the Ministry of the Age

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