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Cooperating and Coordinating with the Energizing God in His Up-to-date and Ultimate Move to Carry out His Economy

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Message Message Title Audio Language
1 Cooperating and Coordinating with the Inner Operating and Energizing Triune God to Bring in a New Revival...
2 Living Out the Life of Christ in a Corporate Way and Coordinating Together as the Corporate Christ in the Reality of the Body of Christ...
3 Experiencing the Seven Spirits of God as the Seven Lamps of Fire Burning before the Throne of the Divine Administration to Carry Out...
4 Marching On as One with the Energizing God and Fighting the Battle to Recover the Earth for the Kingdom of God
5 Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and Discipling the Nations for the Enlargement and Ultimate Consummation of the Tabernacle of God
6 Cooperating and Coordinating with Christ in His Heavenly Ministry to Be His Overcomers for His Up-to-date and Ultimate Move to Carry Out His Economy

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