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Being One with the Lord in His Move for the Universal Spreading of the Church as the Testimony of Jesus

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Message Message Title Audio Language
1 The Wind, the Cloud, the Fire, and the Electrum and the Coordination of the Four Living Creatures for God's Expression, Move, and Administration
2 The Universal Spreading of Christ as the True Vine--the Organism of the Triune God in the Economy of God
3 Experiencing and Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life, Growing Christ as the Tree of Life, and Planting Church Trees for the Corporate Expression of…
4 The Recovery of Living the Life of the Altar and the Tent
5 Having Fellowship unto the Furtherance of the Gospel and Preaching the Gospel in the Way of Life
6 The Way Christ Fulfills His Economy, the World Situation as the Indicator of His Move, and the Spreading of the Truths of the Lord's Recovery for...

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