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The Intrinsic Significance of the Lord’s Recovery for the Building of the Church as the House of God and the City of God

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Message Message Title Audio Language
1 The Principle of Recovery, the Prophecy concerning Recovery, and the Prayer for Recovery
2 The Recovery of the Spirit of Man for the Economy of God
3 The Recovery of the Priesthood, Kingship, and Prophethood for God's Building
4 The Rebuilding of the Altar of God-the Altar of Burnt Offering
5 The Building of God’s House (1)--The Vision of God’s Building
6 The Building of God’s House (2)--The Building of the Father's House in the Resurrection Life of Christ
7 Fulfilling the Economy of God in the History of God for the Building of God
8 Experiencing Christ as Everything in the History of God for the Building of God
9 The Ministry of Ezra--Purification
10 The Ministry of Ezra--Education
11 The Ministry of Ezra--Reconstitution
12 The Leadership of Nehemiah--Separation
13 The Leadership of Nehemiah--Protection
14 The Intrinsic Significance of Ezra’s Ministry and Nehemiah’s Leadership--Living Out and Working Out the New Jerusalem
15 The Application of the Vision of the Ephah Vessel in the Lord’s Recovery Today
16 Being Purified and Reconstituted with the Healing Christ for His Second Coming

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