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The Overcoming Life as Portrayed in the Song of Songs

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Message Message Title Audio Language
1 The Song of the Divine Romance--a Song of Overcoming
2 Overcoming in the First Stage (1)--Overcoming by Loving the Lord to Fulfill His Purpose
3 Overcoming in the First Stage (2)--Beautified through Transformation in the Church Life
4 Overcoming in the Second Stage (1)--Living the Life of the Cross by the Power and Riches of Resurrection to Overcome the Self and Build Up the Body...
5 Overcoming in the Second Stage (2)--Called, Empowered, and Encouraged by the Resurrected Christ to Be Delivered from the Self...
6 Overcoming in the Second Stage (3)--Experiencing the Cross to Be Delivered from the Self for the Body of Christ
7 Overcoming in the Third Stage (1)--The Victory of the Overcoming Christ
8 Overcoming in the Third Stage (2)--Living in Ascension to Be the Beautified Lover of Christ as the New Creation
9 Overcoming in the Third Stage (3)--Becoming Christ’s Private Garden for His Exclusive Satisfaction
10 Overcoming in the Fourth Stage (1)--The Stronger Experience of the Cross in Dealing with Our Flesh That We May Live in the Holy of Holies and Become…
11 Overcoming in the Fourth Stage (2)--Becoming Terrible as an Army with Banners
12 Overcoming in the Fourth Stage (3)--Called by God to Live within the Veil in the Holy of Holies
13 Overcoming in the Fourth Stage (4)--Becoming the Heavenly Bodies and the Shulammite
14 Working Together with the Beloved
15 Making Ourselves Ready to Be Raptured for God’s Enjoyment
16 Making Ourselves Ready to Be Raptured for the Lord’s Coming

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