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Believers, The (2)

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Message Message Title Audio Language
19 Faith—the Unique Way for God to Carry Out His New Testament Economy
20 Faith—the Unique Way for the Believers to Live the Christian Life in the Church Life
21 Their Past, Present, and Future—Destined to Be Blessed
22 Their Past—God’s Intention in Our Creation, Satan’s Plot in Our Fall, and God’s Solution in His Promise
23 Their Present—Called by God
24 Their Present—Sanctified by the Spirit unto Repentance
25 Their Present—Believing into Christ and Being Baptized into Christ
26 Their Present—Joined to the Processed Triune God
27 Their Present—Redeemed
28 Their Present—Made a New Creation
29 Their Present—Freed and Saved
30 Their Present—Experiencing and Enjoying God as the Father in His Love (1)
31 Their Present—Experiencing and Enjoying God as the Father in His Love (2)
32 Their Present—Experiencing and Enjoying Christ as the Son in His Grace
33 Their Present—Experiencing and Enjoying the Spirit as the Consummation of the Divine Trinity in His Fellowship
34 Their Present—Experiencing God’s Redemption Continuously

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