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Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (2)

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Message Message Title Audio Language
17 In Romans (1)--The Seed of David Becoming the Son of God and Our Life-Savior
18 In Romans (2)--The Christ Who Died and Resurrected and the New Husband
19 In Romans (3)--The Emancipator and the One Who Makes Us More Than Conquerors
20 In Romans (4)--The Element and Sphere of the Members in the Body
21 In 1 Corinthians (1)--The Center of God and All Things, the Portion of All the Saints, God's Power and God's Wisdom, the Content of the Apostle's...
22 In 1 Corinthians (2)--Our Spiritual Food, Our Spiritual Rock, and the Contents of the Lord's Table
23 In 2 Corinthians (1)--The Grace of God and the All-inclusive Spirit
24 In 2 Corinthians (2)--The Image of God and the Treasure
25 In 2 Corinthians (3)--The Means of Reconciliation
26 In Galatians (1)--The One Who Rescues Us Out of the Present Evil Age by His Being Revealed in Us
27 In Galatians (2)--The One Who Has Given Himself Up for the Believers and Who Lives in Them and the Aggregate of the All-embracing Blessing of the...
28 In Galatians (3)--The One Who Is Formed in the Believers
29 In Ephesians (1)--The Sphere and the Means of the Spiritual Blessings in the Heavenlies
30 In Ephesians (2)--The Creator of the One New Man as the Masterpiece of God
31 In Ephesians (3)--The One Making His Home in the Hearts of the Believers
32 In Ephesians (4)--The Husband of the Church
33 In Ephesians (5)--The Giver of Gifts and the Constituents of God's Armor

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