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Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (3)

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Message Message Title Audio Language
34 In Philippians (1)--The Pattern and the Goal of the Believers' Pursuit
35 In Philippians (2)--Our Virtues, the Peace of God, Our Secret, and the One Who Empowers Us
36 In Colossians (1)--The Portion of the Saints
37 In Colossians (2)--Christ Our Life
38 In Colossians (3)--The Constituent of the New Man
39 In 1 Thessalonians--The Cause of Our Blamelessness in Holiness and the Cause of Our Complete Sanctification in Our Spirit, Soul, and Body
40 In 2 Timothy--The One Who Nullified Death and Brought Life and Incorruption to Light
41 In Hebrews (1)--As the One in Whom God Speaks
42 In Hebrews (2)--A Great High Priest
43 In Hebrews (3)--A High Priest according to the Order of Melchizedek
44 In Hebrews (4)--The Captain of Salvation and the Forerunner Leading Many Sons into Glory by Entering within the Veil and Going outside the Camp
45 In Hebrews (5)--The Author and Perfecter of Faith
46 In Peter's Epistles (1)--The Shepherd of Our Souls for the Building of God's Spiritual House
47 In Peter's Epistles (2)--The Supreme Preciousness of Christ
48 In Peter's Epistles (3)--Christ as Grace
49 In John's Epistles (1)--The Flow of the Lord Jesus within Us--the Fellowship of the Eternal Life

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