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Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (4)

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Message Message Title Audio Language
50 In John's Epistles (2)--Our Abiding Place
51 Expressing Christ by Triumphing in Him in Our Ministry
52 In Revelation (1)--The Faithful Witness of God for the Testimony of Jesus
53 In Revelation (2)--Christ as the Son of Man Walking in the Midst of the Golden Lampstands
54 In Revelation (3)--The Tree of Life
55 In Revelation (4)--The Hidden Manna
56 In Revelation (5)--The Gold, the White Garments, and the Eyesalve
57 In Revelation (6)--The Spirit Speaking to the Churches, the One Who Has the Key of David, and the One Who Will Dine with the Overcomers
58 In Revelation (7)--The Lion-Lamb
59 In Revelation (8)--Our Shepherd
60 In Revelation (9)--Another Angel and the Eternal King
61 In Revelation (10)--The Lamb Whom the Overcoming Firstfruits Follow
62 In Revelation (11)--The Lamb as the Bridegroom
63 In Revelation (12)--The Eternal Husband of the New Jerusalem, the Holy City
64 In Revelation (13)--The Lamb Being the Lamp with God as the Light
65 In Revelation (14)--The Lamb-God Being on the Throne within the City
66 In Revelation (15)--Expressing Christ as the Light-bearer in the New Jerusalem

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