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The Intrinsic Significance of the Church as the Temple of God--The Goal of God’s Eternal Economy

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Message Message Title Audio Language
1 Becoming the Reproduction of Christ for the Church as the Corporate Expression of the Triune God
2 The Economy of God, the Temple of God, the Glory of God, and the High Peak of the Divine Revelation
3 Going On with the Lord from the Tabernacle Church Life to the Temple Church Life
4 The Builders of the Temple--David and Solomon and Hiram
5 Solomon as the Builder of the Temple of God--the Origin of Solomon, the Wisdom of Solomon, the Heart of Solomon, the Insight of Solomon, and the...
6 The Way Christ, the Son of David and the Greater Solomon, Builds the Church as the Temple of God (1) By Building Himself into Our Being
7 The Way Christ, the Son of David and the Greater Solomon, Builds the Church as the Temple of God (2) By the Mingling of Divinity with Humanity
8 The Way Christ, the Son of David and the Greater Solomon, Builds the Church as the Temple of God (3)...
9 The Way Christ, the Son of David and the Greater Solomon, Builds the Church as the Temple of God (4) By All the Building Growing...
10 Enjoying God in the Temple of God
11 The Materials of the Temple (1)
12 The Materials of the Temple (2)
13 Crucial Experiences of Christ for the Building of the Church as the Temple of God
14 The Most Excellent Way and the Excelling Gift for God's Unique Work to Build Up the Church as the Temple of God
15 Becoming the Reproduction of Christ for the Building of the Church as the Temple of God according to the High Peak of the Divine Revelation
16 The Changing of Death into Life for the Building Up of the Mystical Body of Christ as the Temple of God
17 A House of Prayer

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