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Life-Study of Ephesians

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Message Message Title Audio Language
1 An Introductory Word to the Book of Ephesians
2 Three Aspects of Well-speaking
3 Chosen to Be Holy
4 Predestinated Unto Sonship
5 The Praise of the Glory of God's Grace
6 Redemption in the Son
7 Redemption in the Son
8 To Head Up All Things in Christ (1)
9 To Head Up All Things in Christ (2)
10 To Head Up All Things in Christ (3)
11 The New Testament Believers for the Praise of God's Glory
12 Sealed with the Holy Spirit
13 The Pledge of Our Inheritance
14 A Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation and the Eyes of Our Heart
15 Hope of God's Calling and Riches of Glory of God's Inheritance in Saints
16 The Surpassing Greatness of God's Power
17 Christ to Be the Head Over All Things to the Church
18 The Church Being the Body of Christ
19 The Triune God Dispensed and Wrought Into Our Being
20 Dead in Offenses and Sins
21 Saved by Grace to Be the Masterpiece of God
22 Once Far Off
23 But Now Near
24 Breaking Down of the Middle Wall of Partition
25 The Two Created Into One New Man
26 To Put on the New Man
27 Both Reconciled Unto God in One Body and Fellow-citizens of the Saints and Members of the Household of God
28 Growing Into Holy Temple and Being Built Into a Dwelling Place of God
29 Building by Keeping Oneness Through Growing in Life
30 The Way to Grow in Life
31 The Stewardship of Grace
32 The Revelation of the Mystery
33 The Riches of Christ Producing the Church--The Fullness of Christ
34 The Church for God's Wisdom According to His Eternal Purpose
35 To Be Strengthened Into the Inner Man That Christ May Make Home in Heart
36 To Apprehend the Dimensions of Christ and Know the Love of Christ
37 To Be Filled Unto All the Fullness of God
38 God Glorified in the Church and in Christ
39 Keeping the Oneness of the Spirit
40 The Base of Our Oneness
41 The Gifts Perfecting the Saints
42 Arriving At Three Things
43 Babyishness and Wind of Teaching
44 The Growth of the Members for the Building Up of the Body
45 Learning Christ as the Truth in Jesus
46 Having Put Off the Old Man and Having Put on the New Man
47 Living Not to Grieve the Holy Spirit of God
48 A Summary of Learning Christ
49 Living in Love and Light
50 Living by Being Filled in Spirit
51 Living in the Relationship Between Wife and Husband
52 Mysterious Type of Christ and the Church
53 Christ Sanctifying the Church by Cleansing Her
54 A Summary of the Exhortation in Chapter 5
55 Relationship Between Children and Fathers, Slaves and Masters
56 Warfare in Dealing with the Spiritual Enemy
57 The Whole Armor of God (1)
58 The Whole Armor of God (2)
59 The Application by Prayer
60 Conclusion

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