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Life-Study of First Corinthians

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Message Message Title Audio Language
1 Introduction
2 Christ and His Cross, the Unique Solution to all Problems in the Church
3 Christ Not Divided
4 Christ Crucified, God's Power and God's Wisdom
5 Christ, Our Wisdom: Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption
6 Christ Crucified, the Focus of the Apostle's Ministry
7 God's Wisdom in a Mystery, Christ as the Deep Things of God
8 Communicating Spiritual Things by Spiritual Words to Spiritual Men
9 The Church, God's Farm and God's Building
10 Growth in Life Needed
11 The Building Work with Transformed Materials
12 The Building Work with Natural Things
13 All Things for the Church and the Church for Christ
14 Stewards of the Mysteries of God (1)
15 Stewards of the Mysteries of God (2)
16 Dealing with an Evil Brother
17 Dealing with Going to Secular Law
18 Dealing with the Abuse of Freedom in Food and in the Body (1)
19 Dealing with the Abuse of Freedom in Food and in the Body (2)
20 Dealing with Marriage Life (1)
21 Dealing with Marriage Life (2)
22 Dealing with Eating of Sacrifices to Idols (1)
23 Dealing with Eating of Sacrifices to Idols (2)
24 Dealing with Eating of Sacrifices to Idols (3)
25 The Type of Israel
26 Growing into the Full Possession and Enjoyment of Christ
27 The Lord's Table
28 The Proper Eating
29 Dealing with Head Covering
30 Dealing with the Lord's Supper
31 Dealing with the Gifts (1)
32 Dealing with the Gifts (2)
33 Dealing with the Gifts (3)
34 Dealing with the Gifts (4)
35 Dealing with the Gifts (5 & 6)
36 The Problems Concerning Today's Tongue-speaking
37 Dealing with the Gifts (7)
38 Dealing with the Matter of Resurrection (1)
39 Dealing with the Matter of Resurrection (2)
40 Dealing with the Matter of Resurrection (3)
41 Dealing with the Matter of Resurrection (4)
42 Dealing with the Collection of the Gift and Conclusion

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