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Life-Study of Galatians

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Message Message Title Audio Language
1 The Background and Subject of the Book, Galatians
2 The Apostle's Gospel
3 God's Son versus Man's Religion
4 The Revelation of God's Son in Us
5 The Formation of Paul's Apostleship
6 Paul's Faithfulness and Peter's Unfaithfulness to the Truth of the Gospel
7 Freedom in Christ versus Slavery Under Law
8 The Truth of the Gospel
9 Died to Law But Living to God
10 No Longer I But Living to God
11 Not Nullifying the Grace of God
12 Christ Crucified
13 Christ and the Spirit
14 Hearing Faith versus Works of Law
15 The Spirit--The Blessing of the Gospel
16 The Spirit versus the Flesh
17 The Gospel Preached to Abraham
18 The Promise versus the Law
19 Faith Replacing Law
20 The Seed of Abraham and the Sons of Abraham
21 Baptized Into Christ, Putting on Christ, and All One in Christ
22 The Spirit of Sonship Replacing the Custody of the Law
23 Christ Needing to Be Formed in the Heirs of Promise
24 Two Covenants and Two Kinds of Children
25 Not Brought to Naught from Christ
26 Getting Rid of Leaven and Not Turning Freedom Into an Occasion for the Flesh
27 Walk by the Spirit, Not by the Flesh
28 Crucifying the Flesh to Walk by the Spirit
29 How to Restore the Fallen One, to Fulfill the Law of Christ, and to Sow
30 Crucified to the Religious World to Live a New Creation
31 The Brands of Jesus and the Grace of Christ

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