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Crystallization-Study of Ephesians

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Message Message Title Audio Language
1 The Dispensing of Christ for the Gradual Building Up of His Body and the Transmitting of Christ for the Sudden Raising Up of God's Churches
2 The Economy of the Fullness of the Times to Head Up All Things in Christ through the Church
3 The Vision of the New Man as the Masterpiece of God
4 The Renewing, the Perfecting, and the Living of the New Man
5 God's Eternal Purpose, His Eternal Economy
6 Christ Making His Home in Our Hearts
7 The Intrinsic Constitution and the Genuine Oneness of the Body of Christ
8 The Intrinsic Building Up of the Organic Body of Christ
9 The Children of God Walking in Love and Light
10 The Great Mystery of Christ and the Church
11 The Corporate Warrior
12 The Divine Trinity and the Divine Dispensing

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