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Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (1)

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Message Message Title Audio Language
1 Visions of God and the Unveiling of God's Purpose and the Desire of His Heart
2 The Spiritual History of a Normal Christian--the Wind, the Cloud, the Fire, and the Electrum
3 The Four Living Creatures
4 The Coordination of the Four Living Creatures
5 The Wings of an Eagle, the Hands of a Man, and the Feet of a Calf
6 The High and Awesome Wheels
7 The Highest Point in Our Spiritual Experience--Having a Clear Sky with a Throne above It
8 The Man on the Throne
9 The Rainbow--the Consummation of the Experience of the Christian Life and the Church Life
10 Eating the Scroll--Eating and Digesting the Word of God
11 God's Recovery by Life through His Shepherding
12 The Inward Recovery by Life for the Carrying Out of God's Economy

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