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Crystallization-study of Jeremiah and Lamentations

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Message Message Title Audio Language
1 Jeremiah, the Tenderhearted Prophet of the Tenderhearted God
2 The Kernel of the Book of Jeremiah
3 The Two Evils of God's People and God's Faithfulness in Fulfilling His Economy
4 God's Words--the Divine Supply as Food
5 God as Our Sovereign Potter Making Us His Vessels, His Containers, to Contain Him
6 The Principle of Being One with God as Revealed in the Book of Jeremiah
7 Knowing Jehovah, the Eternal God, in His Lovingkindness, Compassions, and Faithfulness
8 God's Economy with His Dispensing in the Book of Jeremiah
9 God's Judgment upon Egypt and Babylon
10 The Promise, the Prophecy, the Remnant, and the Recovery
11 Shepherds according to God's Heart
12 Experiencing and Enjoying the Contents of the New Covenant according to Our Spiritual Experience for the Accomplishment of God's Economy

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