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Crystallization-study of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes

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Message Message Title Audio Language
1 The Great Question in the Book of Job and the Great Answer
2 God, Man, and Satan
3 Job's Experience of God’s Consuming and Stripping in the Old Testament Being Far Behind That of Paul in the New Testament
4 Job and the Two Trees
5 God's Intention with Job--a Good Man Becoming a God-man
6 Gaining God to Be Transformed by God for the Purpose of God
7 The Intrinsic Divine Revelation concerning the Move of God with and among Men in the Old Testament and concerning the Move of God in Man in...
8 The Multifarious Wisdom of God
9 Reading the Book of Proverbs with a Praying Spirit So That It Will Render Us Nuggets and Gems to Strengthen Our Life of Pursuing Christ for the...
10 Living a Godly Life
11 The Intrinsic Significance of Fearing the Lord in the Economy of God
12 Vanity of Vanities, the Reality in Jesus, and the Revelation of the Sons of God

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