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To change the language track in the video player, please pause the player and click the gear button on the player and under Audio Track select the language track you would like to listen to.
Each audio file contains only 1 language. The available languages are listed in the Audio Language column below. Individual audio files cost $1.00 per language per message regardless if you are a subscriber or a per-message viewer.
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Video Languages:
English, 中文, Español, Português, 한국어, Cebuano
Each audio file contains only 1 language. The available languages are listed in the Audio Language column below. Individual audio files cost $1.00 per language per message regardless if you are a subscriber or a per-message viewer.
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Video Languages:
English, 中文, Español, Português, 한국어, Cebuano
Each audio file contains only 1 language. The available languages are listed in the Audio Language column below. Individual audio files cost $1.00 per language per message regardless if you are a subscriber or a per-message viewer.
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Video Languages:
English, 中文, Español, Português, 한국어, Cebuano
Each audio file contains only 1 language. The available languages are listed in the Audio Language column below. Individual audio files cost $1.00 per language per message regardless if you are a subscriber or a per-message viewer.
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Video Languages:
English, 中文, Español, Português, 한국어
Each audio file contains only 1 language. The available languages are listed in the Audio Language column below. Individual audio files cost $1.00 per language per message regardless if you are a subscriber or a per-message viewer.
Sign in to see your purchased audios
Video Languages:
English, 中文, Español, Português, 한국어, Cebuano
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